In just a few months we’re set to release CrossConnector, a tool that will change the way people do missions.

Just what exactly is CrossConnector? It’s a software program designed to help plan and organize mission work. Actually, to call it a software program is a bit of an understatement. At its core, CrossConnector is designed to erase the boundaries of distance, culture, and nationality to connect people who do missions.

Imagine seeing at a glance who is doing similar work in your area. Reading messages from missionaries around the world. Having the power to organize your mission tasks and the flexibility to share the information with your church.

If you’re a missionary you can use CrossConnector to plan your trips and communicate with your supporters. If you’re a missions pastor or coordinator you can use it to organize any number of mission trips, disseminate missions information to your church, and communicate with your missionaries while they’re out on the field. If you’re a youth pastor or small group leader you can use it to plan outreach ministries and schedule group meetings.

Key to our vision for CrossConnector is the ideal of connectedness. We all know that Christian missions can’t happen in a vacuum, and CrossConnector is a framework for coop