CrossConnector is Getting Real!

In just a few days, we’re going to open the doors to CrossConnector. This is a moment I’ve been anticipating for a long time. We’ve been working hard to finish up the last-minute details and make sure everything works the way it should.

So tell your church, your missionary friends, and anybody who does missions or ministry to check out CrossConnector!

What is CrossConnector? Basically, it’s a tool for managing and publishing ministry work. We like to call it a functional blog, because it also helps you do things like plan mission trips, organize ministry group schedules, and communicate with people like teams, supporters, and friends. When you save a project, event, or message, it automatically appears on your public CrossConnector site (unless you have created a private project). People who visit your website can see your projects, messages, and files (so you can share pictures and other things like a packing list for a mission trip).

What can you do with CrossConnector?

  • Plan short-term mission trips
  • Organize small group Bible studies
  • Research mission work in different parts of the world
  • Communicate with your supporters, teams, friends, and family
  • Anything involving ministry work!

Features that made it into version 1.0:


  • Publish your ministry projects (mission trips, church activities, etc.)
  • Email project info to teams
  • Track events for projects
  • Protect private projects with a password


  • Publish messages, blog-style
  • Let people comment on your messages
  • Email messages to your teams


  • Upload files (you get up to 1 GB of storage)
  • Upload pictures, PDF files, Word and Excel documents, and pretty much any kin