Ruby on Rails Mainstream?

April 8th, 2006

Cedric has an interesting article about Why Ruby on Rails Won’t Become Mainstresm. It’s a good, thought-provoking article if you’re interested in the business case for Ruby on Rails. But while I pretty much agree with what Cedric said, I take issue on several points:

Like David Heinemeier Hansson, I question whether we even should expect Rails to become mainstream. To this point, I think that Cedric’s basic assumptions are wrong – Ruby on Rails is a tool for building web applications, not a “be-all end-all” programming language that solves every conceivable problem. It wasn’t intended to be and it never will be. Like Jakob Skjerning points out so well in Ruby, Rails, and the mainstream, Rails is a very specialized tool. Here at Art of Mission, the majority of websites that we do are still done in PHP or plain-old HTML, because that’s usually the best tool for the job. Specialized apps like CrossConnector and Mission Tools require more sophisticated tools, so we use the tools that we have at our disposal – Ruby on Rails. If nobody else in the world pi