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Why I plan not to renew my subscription
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Why, Rupert Murdoch, Why?

John Gruber calls out the Wall Street Journal’s declining quality: An Aug 1 front-page article drives home my increasing gripes with the WSJ with a front-page article “addressing the issue of whether Barack Obama is ‘too physically fit’ to be elected president”.

Ok, that’s it. I’m done.

For months I’ve felt this welling up of frustration every time I open the morning paper. Sometimes I just let it sit in the driveway all day. I no longer feel the smug satisfaction that I used to feel reading the best newspaper available.

It seems to me that Wall Street Journal front pages are increasingly given over to eye-catching illustrations and info-graphics. The format and content of the articles seem now to be designed to appeal to “the masses”, or the “more sophisticated consumer”. They even changed the size of the paper, so it’s no longer the trademark WSJ wide-format. It fits on the newsstand next to the New York Times and