Quark's Rollover Quirks

September 14th, 2005

I got an email from Quark the other day (strange, since I’ve never bought their product) announcing their redesigned website. Ooh goody, thought the web designer in me, a new website. So I simply had to give it a look. First thing I noticed (after I noticed that I liked their old design better) was that their big image in the middle of the page looks funny when you hover the mouse over it. Seems like a quirk, I thought – maybe some issue with Safari (I use a Mac, naturally), so I opened it up in Firefox, and sure enough, their main image is freaky weird when you look at their website in Safari.

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Missionary Flights International has been serving missionaries in Haiti for as long as I can remember. My parents counted on them when they were missionaries in Haiti. Now, MFI is turning their energy to the Gulf Coast. I received this email from MFI’s president, Dick Snook:

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