More Productive with Windows Vista

September 12th, 2007

Despite some well-documented claims to the contrary, I think Windows Vista has really increased my productivity.

I got Vista a couple of weeks ago in order to test web pages in IE 7 for Moral Metic. We do have a Windows XP machine that I could have used, but it’s our mission-critical Quickbooks machine, so I didn’t want to risk setting up IE 7 and messing up Quickbooks.

Anyway, ever since I installed Vista under VMWare on my Mac Mini, I have been SO much more productive. Without Vista, I never would have had time to do things like organize my office, put up additional shelves in the closet, and rearrange furniture. All while waiting for Vista to do things. I am tremendously thankful for these opportunities to do mundane tasks that Vista has opened up, and I look forward to a future where we all have more time for things that just aren’t that important, and less time to do actual work.

Thanks Microsoft!