Textmate for Halloween

October 31st, 2006

Textmate is the best text editor and programming tool EVER.

Now with Halloween moxie.

RubyConf 2006 Cruelty

October 14th, 2006

Oh, the cruelty. Of all the weeks to be in Denver, Bethany and I will be there next week meeting about Moral Metric – that’s the same week as RubyConf 2006.

Oh, to be able to go to RubyConf. To geek it up with Matz and Geoff and Zed.

But alas, it appears that RubyConf sold out long ago. According to some reports, the ticket counter was open for just four hours before the last ticket was sold. What is this, a U2 concert?

We need bigger Ruby conferences. And how about one here in Austin?

Next year my ticket-buying finger shall be faster.

Windmill Parts

October 13th, 2006

Bethany and I went to Fredericksburg, Texas for our 2nd anniversary this week. We were wandering around the cute little downtown area when suddenly these three HUGE semi trucks rolled down the main street carrying windmill parts.

Now, I’ve seen plenty of windmills out in the desert, and I know they’re big. But I was totally blown away by the size of these monstrous things. The picture really doesn’t show their scale. There were as long as two normal semi trucks, and the wide part of the blade towered over the top of the semi. A little while later the windmill’s generator turbine rolled through town, taking up two full lanes. Astounding.

Oh… apparently you’re supposed to call them Wind turbines.

In this quick little article, I’ll assume that you already know about map.resources and RESTful routing support that’s now included in Edge Rails. If you need some background, head over and check out Ryan Daigle, who keeps up to date on Edge Rails and has a great introduction to RESTful routing.

But did you know that you can nest resources? Suppose you have comments, which belong to articles, which belong to topics. You’d like your URL string to be /topics/123/articles/456/comments

There's more! Read the rest of this entry

Browser Nonsense

October 12th, 2006

Ruby Books

October 11th, 2006

I just got two fun new books!

Enterprise Integration with Ruby by Mark Schmidt and Ruby Cookbook by Lucas Carlson and Leonard Richardson.


October 9th, 2006

Bethany and I are headed to Fredericksburg today to celebrate our two-year anniversary (which was actually last week). See ya later!

Here’s a somewhat nifty tool that takes an image and turns it into a Flash movie:


This is especially useful if you want to use Nathan Smith’s Em Flash Sizing trick, but don’t want to (or can’t afford to) fire up Adobe’s ultra-expensive and highly overrated Flash.

I’m using this technique in a secret upcoming project.